Entry #7 Fresh!

        Hello everyone! After seeing the documentary "Fresh" it raised up a lot of questions; I mean have you ever just been sitting in your car eating outside your favorite fast-food chain and wondered..." How "real" is my food?' or " What am I really eating?". Well, once I finished watching this documentary it definitely opened my eyes to the world of food.


      This documentary shows people the difference in organic and industrialized farming and what is truly happening in the world of farming. Fresh shows farmers, thinkers, and business people all over America who are re-inventing our food chain system. 

     At first I wasn't quite sure what I was getting myself into. After finishing up this film, it was very upsetting seeing how the animals were getting treated in some farming industries. I had moments where I needed to pause or skip a little ahead because my heart couldn't take it. Something the stood out to me the most was seeing how many chickens were being packed into a house and never seeing the light of day or when a farmer said they feed their cows...cow! That's right, cows are eating...cows. This was something that was very hard for me to understand as I am a big fan of meat...but trust me after this I have been rethinking my options. This film truly shows some ugly sides of farming and how everything is being produced. It shows the unsustainability of food production methods and how they use anecdotes from farmers to be able to promote the good food movement. 

I believe this is a good movie to help educate people in what is happening in the farm industry. It shows a clear representation of the industrial food systems and how they are no longer serving the best interests of people or the planet.  


  1. Hey Litzy
    Watching this film fresh was very  upsetting too and how you mention that it was hard to learn how the animals are getting treated in most of the farming industries. We have lost the integrity of our food. We need to keep talking about, What is in our food? and demand new policies on food regulation. 


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